Thursday, November 10, 2016

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Summoners War - Ultimate Beginner's Guide (No BS free2play gaming)

Are you a new player, playing for quite some time now but no luck getting good monsters or just stuck and don't know what to do next? Read up Fam, I got you covered.

We will be talking exclusively about farmable monsters, that means we will only tackle monsters that you will obtain by just going through the game and NOT summoning Mystical Scrolls or Light and Dark Scroll or Legendary Scrolls. I want to teach you how to complete Tower of Ascension - Normal with the use of purely farmable monster.

This guide is straight to the point, NO BS tutorial to help you get strong in a short period as possible. So let's start with step by step action items to get you going.

Important note: Do not use your crystals to buy Mystical Scroll packs. You will see in this guide how important your crystals are in achieving our goal rather than spending them on Effing Scrolls and the break your heart for getting crappy monsters.

Step 1. (This is a very important step, Super Highly Recommended)

After you created your account and the game tutorial and all the initial BS, update your HIVE profile with a photo of a Hot Girl AF (Preferably showing some cleavage). This important because it will help you drastically in doing step 2.

Step 2.

Go to a channel with many active players chatting and add all the high level players (Lv50) with lv40 representative monsters preferably AOE representatives. These representative monsters will help you greatly in farming and leveling up. Step 1 is a big help in this step because who in this world does not like hot girls AF especially showing some tits!People will accept your friend request drooling!

Step 3.

Complete All the Scenarios. Use your friends' monsters for ease and get the rewards.
  • For Aiden Forest reward, choose Blade Rune
  • For Chiruka Remains reward, choose Fatal Rune
Give the Fatal rune slots 2,4 and 6 and any other 1 Fatal rune from the rewards to (Water Magic Knight).
Give Water Magic Knight the remaining 2 slots Blade rune you get from Aiden Forest reward.
+12 all the equipped runes whenever you can.

Step 4.

Evolve your first monster farmer Water Magic Knight (Lapis) to 5. At this point of the game you have 2 options, Raoq (fire inugami) or Lapis (water magic knight). You can get Raoq by farming faimon and wait for him to drop. Lapis is obtained by completing Mt.Siz normal. I suggest use Lapis instead of Raoq for the following reasons.
  • Lapis is freely obtained while Raoq is RNG based. If you're lucky, you can get him the first few tries but if RNGesus doesn't bless you, you'll be spending days trying to get him (as was in my case)
  • At this level, Lapis is a better Tamor hell farmer than Raoq since you don't have godly runes to use yet. And Lapis is also a waiting Faimon Hell farmer once you have access to great runes.
  • Lapis has better base atk stat than Raoq
Don't stress about making Lapis 6yet.

Step 5.

Get the following Monsters
  • Bernard (Wind Griffon) - Tamor Desert
  • Shannon (Wind Pixie) - Magic Shop
  • Belladeon (Light Inugami) - Light Secret Dungeon
  • Darion (Light Vagabond) - Light Secret Dungeon
  • Konamiya (Water Garuda) - Magic Shop
  • Raoq (Fire Inugami) - Faimon Volcano
The list is very few because we are gunning for efficiency and speed. At this point in our game, we will not build all the good free monsters (2★s and 3s) but rather the only ones who can help us achieve our goal - finish ToA as soon as possible. Additionally, all of the monsters on this list have an End Game value and we will use them for later.

Step 6.

Get to Level 50 as fast as you can. It's not important if you are level 50 and without 6monsters. You need to get to level 50 fast because we will use the crystals we've obtained to buy energy refills and maximize its value (1 refill = 30 crystals = 90 energy ). It is not efficient to refill energy if you are not yet lv50. Do not do dungeons yet until you get to Lv50. Remember we are gunning for speed and dungeons have very few exp. Just do it for daily missions or awakening our monsters on the list. Don't farm dungeons yet!

Suggestions to level your account.
  • 5★ the monsters on the list
  • Our monster list on step 5 needs runes. My standard rune set for that list at this point is Swift, Energy. I will explain this on the next step. Gather Swift on Mt.White Ragon Hell and Energy Runes on Garen Forest Hell. Use your friends' monsters or the Water Magic Knight we previously runed to farm the runes. Eventually we will reach level 50.
  • Farm Faimon Volcano Hell or Tamor Desert Hell with your friends' monsters. This way you have a chance to obtain Griffons and Inugamis for skill ups on our monster line up.
Step 7.

Runes. As I said on the previous step, We will rune our monsters with Swift Energy (Except Raoq - Fatal Blade - I will explain on the last part of this step). Here are the reasons why.

  • +9 4★ Swift Energy runes can do B7 dungeons with ease. With Speed and a reasonable amount of HP, We have a 100% chance on clearing B7s to get our high essences and 5★ runes we need for our ToA campaign.
  • More turns, more chances of winning. In case the enemy gets a turn, we can still absorb its damage.
Important reminders on getting the runes:

  • our slot 2 will always be SPD preferably a magic/green rune with HP% substat.
  • our slot 4 will always be HP% preferably a magic/green rune with SPD substat.
  • our slot 6 will always be HP% preferably a magic/green rune with SPD substat.
  • our slots 1, 3, and 5 are always magic/green rune that have an HP% substat.
This way we can maximize the use of our runes before we change them to better ones. Note that we only +9 these runes as we will change them soon.

For Raoq, we use Fatal Blade 2-ATK% subs HP%, 4-ATK% subs HP%, 6-ATK% subs HP%.
slot 1, 3 and 5 are always HP% substats.

Step 8.

Build Veromos (Dark Ifrit) and Baretta (Fire Sylph)  and Spectra (Fire Griffon). These three are the most important monsters to clear ToA normal. They also carry over to ToA Hard.

Step 9.

6★ the following monsters in order.

  1. Veromos
  2. Baretta
  3. Belladeon
  4. Bernard
  5. Spectra
Step 10.

Farm Giants and Dragons B7 for the following runes.

  1. Veromos - Violent Focus (2 - Spd, 4 - HP% 6 - ACCU) - Spd and HP% subs
  2. Baretta - Despair Focus (2 - Spd, 4 - HP% 6 - ACCU) - Spd and HP% subs
  3. Belladeon - Violent Revenge (2 - Spd, 4 - HP%, 6 HP%) - Spd and HP% subs
  4. Bernard - Swift Guard (2 - Spd, 4 - HP%, 6 HP%) - Spd and HP% subs
  5. Spectra - Swift Guard (2 - Spd, 4 - HP% 6 - ACCU) - Spd and HP% subs
Step 11.

Destroy Trial of Ascension Normal!!!